? ??????????????Sweet Beach? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (351 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 103448 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Lost in the View? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.9 (12 Ratings)??9 Grabs Today. 6647 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm soooo cold!

How did I EVER live in Wisconsin for 21 years of my life!???? Seriously I literally froze today...not just a little cold, but every inch of me was purple from being frozen. Not cool. Not cool AT ALL! You def get acustome to the beautiful Florida rays. I love Florida and could and would never go back to dairy land. I have to put up with this for the whole rest of the week, and I only have one sweater to wear to work and I wore it today! What's a girl going to do??? Maybe I just need to tell them I have to stay home cause I dont have anything warm to wear....will that go over well??? It's been just over 4 years since I've joined the BBB team. Good thing I like it there cause it seems that's where I'll be for some time now....yeah, so I just found out today that all the classes I wanted to sign up for for next semester are only available next fall. How much does that suck?? Just when you think your almost done, you hit a bump in the road. I can only take 2 classes next semester which leaves me haveing to cram in 6-7 classes next fall. Who wants to do that?? Yeah no me. I don't know that there is anything else I can do to move forward faster. Why dont they tell you these things before you register. I think that meeting with a counsler should be mandatory or else your going to end up like me. This makes me soooo mad I can'd even begin to tell you. I'm pretty much on hold now for a year. This sucks.

Vote for Obama! =)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I know, I know. Its been forever since I've posted anything. So I thought I would entertain you all once again with my boring life. Lets see...Its almost halloween and too bad I have to work because Shannon is having this big halloween bash that I would have like to have gone too...eeh.

It gets pretty lonely around here with James working the grave yard shift and it sucks cause we can never go and do anything. He's off Friday and Saturdays but I always have to work friday night and have been working a lot of saturdays too. We like to sleep a lot so if we're not working or if Im not at school you can bet I'm napping.

I can't believe we only have about 5 weeks left of the semester, it always goes by soooo fast. I'm excited for it to be over tho so I can start the next semester and be one step closer to graduation.....which seems like forever away.

Have I told you that I can't wait to buy a house!? I just want my own place, my own space where I can decorate and have a scrapbook room and storage and a bigger bedroom and closet....the many wishes of a female. Love Jon to death, but I can't wait to get away from him too. I'm tired of cleaning after both of the boys. And I don't really like the late night sex sessions that Jon brings home....haha.

Vote for Obama!