? ??????????????Sweet Beach? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (351 Ratings)??11 Grabs Today. 103448 Total Grabs. ??
????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Lost in the View? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.9 (12 Ratings)??9 Grabs Today. 6647 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, August 29, 2008


So, the alarm buzzes at 7 'clock this morning, but I snooze about 3 times before I actually get up at about 7:20. To the shower I go, I do my thing get out, towel off and begin the getting ready process. Now mind you, I HATE mornings, I would so rather sleep until noon everyday that I can. As I'm gettting ready Jon comes back home from work to rise Susie out of a dead sleep. "Get up we have to go fix the buggy he yells!" Oh boy, here we go. So now Susie is going to have to get in the bathroom to get ready too, so I take 'all' my stuff into the bedroom to finish while she still lays in bed. (I HATE having one bathroom!) Shortly after she does get up as Jon is honking the horn out in the driveway. About 2 minutes later the door slams and Susie is gone. Back to the bathroom with 'all' my stuff. I finish getting ready, throw some coffee in the machine and brew me a fresh cup to go, hop in the car and I'm off. But now it's about 8:10 and class starts at 9-sharp. I HATE driving during this time of the day, you have 'everyone' on their way to work and there are about 3 school crossings where you can only go 20mph, don't go a step faster or the motorcycle cops will be at your side in a split second. Stop and go, stop and go traffic for about the next 10 minutes...arg! Then I go to change lanes and this lady totally wants to get in the same lane as me at the same time! So I get back over and she gives me 'the look' like it's my fault. Listen lady....so I point in front of her cause now she's about to hit the car inf ront of her....ha, maybe SHE needs to watch the road. Take that! So finall I get through the 20mph zones and I get behing the SCAT bus. Oh here we go, I try everything I can to get in the other lane but the cars in the 'fast lane' are going the same speed as the bus. Don't you HATE that?? Finally the SCAT bus comes to a screaching hault and I'm finally able to jump to the other lane. Finally about 20 minutes later I arrive on campus. I circled the parking lot to find the spot closest to the door as we all do, and not to my suprise there isn't one, sure enough I have to park forever away. Once in the buliding I venture up the flight of stairs when I could have taken the elevator, but the power goes out so often here in FL who wants to get stuck in one of those?? I'll setttle for the stairs. I round the bend to find the classroom door labeled photography all locked down and dark, and a girl sitting on the floor to the right of me. Hmm....I say and the first thing you wonder is....do we have class today?? I've had this teacher before and he is never late. So we wait and we wait as more and more students show up we wait somemore....Now we're all thinking what the rule of thumb is when a teacher doesn't show up...do we wait 10...15...20 minutes. I thought 15. We wait some longer.....Finally after 15 minutes the first student leaves....then 5 minutes later 2 more leave....then finally at 9:30 this girl and I leave....still wondering where our teacher is.....I walk the 3 miles back to my car and head back home only to find an e-mail in my box saying that class is canceled today the teacher is sick!
Are you kidding, I just spend 45 minutes driving here for nothing now I have to drive 45 minutes back.....oh heeeeeell no.
I went back to bed unti I had to work.
Curses to that!


Nicole said...

Uh! How frustrating! It sure would have been nice to know BEFORE you went to class huh?